Wi-Fi vs Ethernet for Gaming

January 12, 2022

Wi-Fi vs Ethernet for Gaming

Ah, the age-old question: Wi-Fi or Ethernet for gaming? It's a debate that has been raging on for years. Well, let's put an end to that today. In this article, we will take an unbiased look at both Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections for gaming and see who wins the race.

Wi-Fi for Gaming

Wi-Fi is great. You don't have to worry about cables, and it's easy to set up. But is it good for gaming? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Wi-Fi can suffer from interference and signal attenuation, which can lead to slower speeds, increased latency, and packet loss.

So, what kind of Wi-Fi connection do you need to get the best gaming experience? AC or AX routers with tri-band capabilities are recommended. They offer faster speeds and improved range, which can reduce latency and packet loss. Additionally, you need to ensure that your computer or gaming console supports the latest Wi-Fi standards.

Ethernet for Gaming

Ethernet is all about stability and speed. It's a wired connection, which means you don't have to worry about interference or signal attenuation like you do with Wi-Fi. You also get a dedicated line, which means no sharing with other devices. Ethernet delivers faster upload and download speeds, lower latency, and fewer dropped packets, which are all essential for a smooth gaming experience.

The Verdict

So, who wins the race? Ethernet, hands down. While Wi-Fi is great for browsing the web, streaming movies, and general internet use, Ethernet is the superior choice for gaming. It's stable, fast, and provides a dedicated connection to prevent interference from other devices.

Of course, if running cables across your house isn't an option, Wi-Fi is still a viable choice. However, for the best gaming experience, we recommend going wired.


  1. "How to speed up your Wi-Fi". CNET, 2022, https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-speed-up-your-wi-fi/
  2. "Is Ethernet better than Wi-Fi for gaming?". Close.io, 2022, https://close.io/is-ethernet-better-than-wifi-for-gaming/

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